We Are All Conditioned Robots

We are all conditioned to fear what we don't understand! We are conditioned by society and by our parents to be the way we are and to think the way we do!

One of the many de-programming techniques you will undertake, is understanding that good and bad have no power. Nothing outside of you has power over you, UNLESS YOU LET IT. As Shakespeare inferred: Nothing is good or bad, except for the thinking that makes it so.

The First Step To Unphuck Yourself: STOP SHOULDING ALL OVER YOURSELF!

People don't understand that when we say, "I shouldn't have said that" or "I should have done this instead", that we are speaking with regret. Words carry power and fuel our actions. Living a life in regret is not the path to happiness, and generally speaking, we are never fully aware of the impact our thoughts, words and actions have on our everyday life until we hone our awareness skill.

The first step to unphuck yourself is to stop 'shoulding' all over yourself. The first time I heard the term 'shoulding' was from Tony Robbins, and I adopted it immediately. We are all conditioned. Every day I have people, sometimes many people, telling me what I should and shouldn't do. Not only do we 'should' all over ourselves, but other people 'should' all over us as well.

What You're Searching For!

We're all searching. We're all doing the best we can with the level of understanding we currently have. When we know more, we can do a better best! Unphuck Yourself and do a better best right now!

Everything Mirrors You!

When you know who you are, you no longer allow the version of you to be molded by anyone other than you! What we see is a reflection of how we feel. What does it say about you? Don't like what you're seeing? Change your perspective!

Who Are You?

When you know who you are you no longer allow others to tell you who you should be; insults, projections, and false narratives no longer trigger your insecurities when you walk around with Divine confidence!

Example Curriculum

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The Process To Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself Will Follow This Path:

1.    You will should yourself and afterwards realize you did.

2.    After many attempts to catch yourself before you say it, you will suddenly realize you are about to should yourself and instead use the word ‘could’. For example: “I should really eat a salad but….” This makes you feel guilty when you don’t eat the salad. Instead say: “I could eat a salad, but I choose to eat this cake instead." And enjoy it!

3.    It will take some time before ‘could’ will feel like the natural response instead of ‘should’. Each time you catch yourself as you are about to should yourself, congratulate yourself for your quick response. If a little should sneaks out, correct yourself in the moment. You are rewiring your brain and the magic number is 21 days of doing the new habit and not doing the old one.

4.    After the 21 days of no shoulding, and only coulding, you will begin to naturally remove the word should from your vocabulary when it pertains to you.

5.    If other people should you, just mentally correct it in your own mind. They are giving you a wonderful opportunity to complete this process faster. When you reply to them, use the word could instead. For example of a definite shoulding: “You shouldn’t take that route to the mall, there is a much faster way.” You can reply: “I could take your route, however, I take my route, even though it is longer, because I make a pit stop on the way.”